Thursday 13 March 2014

The Death Penalty- not such a silent debate as the blogspot was filtered.
thank you Chloe for summarising the arguments below!

Arguments for: its cheaper,frees up space in prison,would kill all murderers so they wouldn't do it sentence is not for life.
Arguments against: only punishment which is irreversible, if dealt with inappropriatelyit can be a very negative thing. being killed is not a punishment. we don't have the right to take peoples life. two wrongs don't make a right.Its unfair.

We are looking forward to meeting Jay Lakhani next Thursday and seeing Katie the week after. Any ideas for next meeting's discussion????

Monday 10 March 2014

Philosophy club this Thursday (13th March)
Make sure you have logged into the blog so you are ready to take part in our silent debate on the death penalty.
Be ready to think...

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Thank You

Just wanted to say a very big thank you to Katrina and Miss Clapp for giving up their spare time to plan and lead such amazing discussions which often prove fun and challenging (and sometimes, satisfyingly frustrating)! RE and Philosophy Club are my highlights of the week and I really look forward to them!

Thanks! - Alex

Sunday 2 March 2014

whats happened so far :)

Last week was thought-challenging and fun. We mainly focused on the question 'if you took a drug that made you forget,would you still be you?' We discussed many scenarios,like; if you were to commit a crime and then take a drug that changed you compleatly and made you forget,would you still be guilty?' Our  group had mixed opinions which lead to questions that played with your brain ( if you had a different mind would you still be you?) The group discussed many related questions and we worked together to a majority agreeing that you would be guilty, because if you took a drug knowing you would forget then that in itself is a crime, Like wearing a mask to cover up your identity. On the other hand,people argued that the mind makes you who you are so with a different mind then your a different person so therefore had no reason to be guilty.

Hopefully next week will be just as fun-filled as this one :) :) Chloe xx